Missions & Outreach
White Lake United Methodist Church (WLUMC) seeks to nurture and support its membership, as well as the greater community in which it resides. We do this in several ways, many of which are listed below:
Small Group Opportunities
Family Opportunities
Outreach Meals & Activities
Volunteer Opportunities
Small Group Opportunities
- Small Group Studies: discuss the content of the Bible using the Bible and related study books and videos.
- Grief Share: A non-denominational class to help people work their way through any type of grief; once a week for 13 weeks.
- Ladies Domino Group: open to women interested in playing dominoes.
- Sisters Class: women studying books on Christianity.
- Stitchers Group: women sharing fellowship as they work on personal sewing, knitting, and crocheting projects.
- United Women in Faith: United Methodist women’s organization that seeks to improve the lives of women, children, and youth in the United States and internationally.
- Women’s Retreat: an off-site, multi-day spiritual growth and fellowship opportunity for women of the church and their friends.
Family Opportunities
- Children’s Sanctuary Space: a “grace space” is provided at the front of the church sanctuary where children can play quietly near their family during worship services.
- Family Camp: an annual weekend trip to Lake Michigan Camp and Retreat Center in Pentwater.
- Mission Trip: putting our faith in action through service to others away from home; locations and tasks might vary annually.
- Sunday Church Services: a Traditional Service is held at 9 AM and a Contemporary Praise Service is held at 11 AM.
- Sunday School: offered throughout the school year for children from nursery age through 8th grade during Contemporary Praise Service.
- Trunk-or-Treat: an alternative to door-to door trick-or-treating.
- Youth Group Opportunities: are available for middle through high school age children.
Outreach Meals & Activities
- Chicken Dinners for Muskegon County Rescue Mission: dinners are prepared at the church kitchen and delivered twice monthly.
- Community Garden: garden plots are available for rent by the public each growing season.
- Food Pantry Garden: volunteers grow vegetables for donation to groups serving local communities.
- Free Store: donated clothing, household, and personal hygiene items are provided to anyone in need of them; open every Thursday 5 to 8 PM and Saturday 11 AM to 2 PM. The Free Store is located at 117 S. Division St, Whitehall.
- Health & Wellness Ministry
- Provides transportation to doctor appointments.
- Arranges health-related seminars.
- Blood pressure testing is conducted by medical personnel; this health care check is provided free to the public at the church one Sunday every month after worship service.
- Lunch with Pastor: bring your lunch to the church and enjoy casual conversation with the pastor and others.
- The Gathering: open to the public, free meals are prepared and served by volunteers every Thursday at 6 PM and Saturday at 12 Noon. The Gathering takes place at 117 S. Division St, Whitehall.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Administrative Church Teams: congregants can assist with church operations by serving in governance positions.
- After Worship Coffee Hour: provide and set up refreshments after the service and clean up afterward.
- Communion Service: prepare communion monthly.
- Landscaping at the church
- Maintain native plant gardens and specialty garden areas.
- Mow the lawn.
- Prune trees/shrubs and maintain planters.
- Pastoral Care: assist with visitation of shut-ins at home and in medical care facilities.
- Prayer Team: help organize and/or participate in our prayer chain.
- Remodel/Repair of Church Facilities: volunteer “handyperson” skills are used at our church building and grounds.
- Technology Helpers: organize and coordinate such things as sound and video for services; provide computer software/hardware advice and solutions; maintain church website.
- Worship & Seasonal Decor: help put up and take down seasonal decorations and provide themed altar decor
- Worship Volunteers: examples include providing childcare during worship; serving as greeters and ushers; assisting with communion